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Contra Dance Renderer

This takes contra dances in the JSON format used by and displays a visualization of the dance on a web page. Currently very early in development and only works on a single dance, Isaac Banner's "Two Hearts in Time", chosen as a simple dance (i.e. single progression improper, no shadow or next/previous neighbor interactions).


To develop locally, you need TypeScript installed. You can check if you have the tsc (TypeScript Compiler) command available.

While developing, leave the script running or, equivalently, run the following the command from the root of the repository:

tsc --watch

Also, serve the www/ directory from a local webserver. The script will do this or you can run the following command from the www/ directory of the repository:

python -m http.server --bind localhost 8085

(Nothing special about Python here, just the easiest web server to set up.)

Then open http://localhost:8085/ in a web browser. The site should work in any modern browser (tested in Firefox and Chromium).

Any text editor/IDE works, but I find VS Code's TypeScript support works well.