233 lines
7.2 KiB
Executable File
233 lines
7.2 KiB
Executable File
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use 5.10.0;
use Data::Dumper;
use Readonly;
use HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath;
use HTML::TreeBuilder::LibXML;
use HTML::Entities qw(:DEFAULT encode_entities_numeric);
use LWP::ConnCache;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use CGI::Fast;
use Encode;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
binmode STDOUT, 'utf8';
binmode STDIN, 'utf8';
Readonly my $BASEURL => 'https://twitter.com';
#while (my $q = CGI::Fast->new)
#my @ps = $q->param;
my $bad_param=0;
#for(@ps) {
#unless ($_=~/^(fetch|replies|user)$/) {
#err("Bad parameters. Naughty.",404);
#next if $bad_param;
my $user = '-';
$user = lc $user;
if($user =~ '^#') {
err("That was an hashtag, TwitRSS.me only supports users!",404);
my $max_age=3600;
my $replies = 0;
if ($replies && lc($replies) ne 'on') {
err("Bad parameters. Naughty.",404);
my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath->new;
if ($user eq '-') {
while (<>) {
} else {
my $url = "$BASEURL/$user";
$url .= "/with_replies" if $replies;
my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $response = $browser->get($url);
unless ($response->is_success) {
err('Can’t screenscrape Twitter',404);
my $content = $response->content;
my @items;
my $feedavatar = $tree->findvalue('//img' . class_contains("ProfileAvatar-image") . "/\@src");
# Get capitalization from Twitter page
my $normalizedName = $tree->findvalue('//a' . class_contains("ProfileHeaderCard-screennameLink") . "/\@href");
$normalizedName =~ s{^/}{};
$user = $normalizedName;
my $tweets = $tree->findnodes( '//li' . class_contains('js-stream-item')); # new version 2015-06-02
if ($tweets) {
for my $li (@$tweets) {
my $tweet = $li->findnodes('./div'
. class_contains("js-stream-tweet")
next unless $tweet;
# die $tweet->as_HTML;
my $header = $tweet->findnodes('./div/div'
. class_contains("stream-item-header")
. "/a"
. class_contains("js-action-profile"))->[0];
my $bd = $tweet->findnodes( './div/div/p'
. class_contains("js-tweet-text")
my $body = "<![CDATA[" . encode_entities($bd->as_HTML,'^\n\x20-\x25\x27-\x7e"') . "]]>";
$body=~s{<a}{ <a}gi; # always spaces before a tags
$body=~s{href="/}{href="https://twitter.com/}gi; # add back in twitter.com to unbreak links to hashtags, users, etc.
# Fix pic.twitter.com links.
$body =~ s{href="https://t\.co/[A-Za-z0-9]+">(pic\.twitter\.com/[A-Za-z0-9]+)}{href="https://$1">$1</a>}g;
$body=~s{<a[^>]+href="https://t.co[^"]+"[^>]+title="([^"]+)"[^>]*>}{ <a href="$1">}gi; # experimental! stop links going via t.co; if an a has a title use it as the href.
$body=~s{<a[^>]+title="([^"]+)"[^>]+href="https://t.co[^"]+"[^>]*>}{ <a href="$1">}gi; # experimental! stop links going via t.co; if an a has a title use it as the href.
$body=~s{data-[\w\-]+="[^"]+"}{}gi; # validator doesn't like data-aria markup that we get from twitter
my $avatar = $header->findvalue('./img' . class_contains("avatar") . "/\@src");
my $fst_img_a = $tweet->findnodes( './div//div'
. class_contains("js-adaptive-photo")
## Need a test case for old media
$fst_img_a = $tweet->findnodes( './div/div'
. class_contains("OldMedia")
. "/div/div")->[0] unless $fst_img_a;
my $fst_img="";
if($fst_img_a) {
$fst_img = $fst_img_a->findvalue('@data-image-url');
if($fst_img) {
$body=~s{\]\]>$}{" <img src=\"$fst_img\" />\]\]>"}e;
my $fullname = $header->findvalue('./strong' . class_contains("fullname"));
my $username = $header->findvalue('./span' . class_contains("username"));
$username =~ s{<[^>]+>}{}g;
$username =~ s{^\s+}{};
$username =~ s{\s+$}{};
my $title = enctxt($bd->as_text);
$title=~s{ }{}gi;
$title=~s{http}{ http}; # links in title lose space
$title=~s{A\[}{A\[$username: }; # yuk, prepend username to title
my $uri = $BASEURL . $tweet->findvalue('@data-permalink-path');
my $timestamp = $tweet->findnodes('./div/div'
. class_contains("stream-item-header")
. '/small/a'
. class_contains("tweet-timestamp"))->[0]->findvalue('./span/@data-time'
my $pub_date = strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", localtime($timestamp));
push @items, {
username => enctxt($username),
fullname => enctxt($fullname),
link => $uri,
guid => $uri,
title => $title,
description => $body,
timestamp => $timestamp,
pubDate => $pub_date,
else {
err("Can't gather tweets for that user",404);
# now print as an rss feed, with header
Content-type: application/rss+xml
Cache-control: public, max-age=$max_age
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:georss="http://www.georss.org/georss" xmlns:twitter="http://api.twitter.com" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" version="2.0">
<title>Twitter / $user </title>
<description>Twitter feed for: $user. Generated by TwitRSS.me</description>
for (@items) {
<dc:creator>$_->{fullname} ($_->{username})</dc:creator>
sub enctxt {
my $text=shift;
sub class_contains {
my $classname = shift;
"[contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(\@class),' '),' $classname ')]";
sub err {
my ($msg,$status) = (shift,shift);
Content-type: text/html
Status: $status
Cache-control: max-age=86400
Refresh: 10; url=http://twitrss.me
<html><head></head><body><h2>ERR: $msg</h2><p>Redirecting you back to <a href="http://twitrss.me">TwitRSS.me</a> in a few seconds. You might have spelled the username wrong or something</p></body></html>