Installing ===================== is a [FastCGI application]( written in [Perl 5]( In order to install it you will need a web server that supports FastCGI, a working installation of Perl and various modules from [the CPAN]( Step 0: Set up the server ------------------------- Hopefully you have a VPS or something. If not, acquire one. The steps in this tutorial are Debian-specific so it would be easiest to use a Debian server. If you fancy documenting for other platforms then pull requests are very welcome. Step 1: Install a web server ---------------------------- The main TwitRSS runs on Apache with mod_fastcgi. You could use nginx if you wanted. But in this guide we will use Apache. sudo aptitude install apache2 Then install the fastcgi module (it is in the non-free repositories, I'm afraid) sudo aptitude install libapache2-mod-fastcgi Step 2: Get the TwitRSS code ---------------------------- You may need to install git first sudo aptitude install git Then clone the repository into /var/www (or wherever you keep your web documents). sudo bash cd /var/www git clone Step 3: Get CPAN modules ------------------------ Perl is probably installed already, but install it if not. I use cpanminus to manage Perl dependencies but you may want to use apt, though LWP::Protocol::Net::Curl is not in the Debian repositories. You will also need libcurl3-dev. sudo aptitude install cpanm libcurl3-dev sudo cpanm CGI::Fast Data::Dumper Encode Net::Curl HTML::Entities HTML::TreeBuilder::LibXML HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath LWP::ConnCache LWP::Protocol::Net::Curl LWP::UserAgent POSIX Readonly Once all is installed you should be able to go in to /var/www/twitrssme/fcgi and run the Perl script thus. cd /var/www/twitrssme/fcgi perl You should then see an RSS of the twitter feed of ciderpunx spew out on to your terminal. Step 4: Configure the web server -------------------------------- Now we need to set up Apache to serve TwitRSS. In this tutorial we set up the default host, but proceed similarly for a virtual host. vi /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default Here is a basic config. DocumentRoot /var/www/twitrssme/ Options +ExecCGI +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch -MultiViews +Includes AllowOverride None Order allow,deny allow from all FastCgiServer /var/www/twitrssme/fcgi/ -processes 5 -idle-timeout 5 -appConnTimeout 3 -priority 18 -listen-queue-depth 20 ScriptAlias /twitter_user_to_rss/ /var/www/twitrssme/fcgi/ FastCgiServer /var/www/twitrssme/fcgi/ -processes 5 -idle-timeout 5 -appConnTimeout 3 -priority 18 -listen-queue-depth 20 ScriptAlias /twitter_search_to_rss/ /var/www/twitrssme/fcgi/ SetHandler fastcgi-script ExpiresActive Off ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/twitrssme.error.log LogLevel warn CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/twitrssme.access.log varnish_vhost_combined I had to enable the expires module. You may need to enable fastcgi in a similar fashion. sudo a2enmod expires Step 5: Restart the web server ------------------------------ The final step is to restart apache. sudo apachectl graceful You should now be able to see your instance of Other information ----------------- On the [ website]( I use Varnish to cache results, and haproxy to deal with https connections. I used to use Pound for the https bit but it struggled with more than 500 connections a second from lots of clients. It is all hosted on Bytemark’s BigV infrastructure.