2014-01-17 13:59:38 -05:00
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< title > TwitRSS.me - rss of twitter user feeds by screenscraping with perl< / title >
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2015-01-28 13:21:41 -05:00
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< p > < strong > Tip< / strong > : There is a < a href = "http://ox4.li/2cl" > Javascript version< / a > for building widgets.< / p >
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2014-01-17 13:59:38 -05:00
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2015-01-28 13:21:41 -05:00
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2016-08-07 13:58:13 -04:00
< li > < a href = "#top" class = "nav-link" > Get Twitter RSS< / a > < / li >
2016-02-05 08:14:28 -05:00
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2014-01-17 13:59:38 -05:00
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2015-01-28 13:21:41 -05:00
2014-01-17 13:59:38 -05:00
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< h1 > TwitRSS.me< / h1 >
2016-08-08 12:16:08 -04:00
< h2 > Get your twitter user feed as RSS< / h2 >
2015-01-28 13:21:41 -05:00
< p >
< form action = "/twitter_user_to_rss/" method = "get" >
< label for = "screen_name" > Twitter User:< / label > < br / >
2017-06-21 15:52:18 -04:00
@< input name = "user" id = "screen_name" type = "text" class = "input" maxlength = "140" size = "20" value = "" placeholder = "ciderpunx" / > < br / > < br / >
< label for = "submit" class = "hid" > < / label >
2015-01-28 13:21:41 -05:00
< input id = "fetch" type = "submit" value = " Fetch RSS " class = "btn btn-primary btn-lg" / >
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< / p >
2016-08-08 12:16:08 -04:00
< h2 style = "padding-top:2em" > < span style = "font-weight:900;font-style:normal;font-size:1.8em" > OR< / span > < br / > < br / >
< em > Get a twitter "live" search as RSS< / em >
< / h2 >
2016-08-07 13:58:13 -04:00
< form action = "/twitter_search_to_rss/" method = "get" >
< label for = "search_term" > Twitter Search:< / label > < br / >
< input name = "term" id = "search_term" type = "text" class = "input" maxlength = "140" size = "20" value = "" placeholder = "Your search term" / > < br / >
< label class = "hid" for = "submit" > < / label > < br / >
< input id = "fetch" type = "submit" value = " Fetch Search RSS " class = "btn btn-primary btn-lg" / >
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2014-01-17 13:59:38 -05:00
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2015-10-08 16:00:11 -04:00
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2014-01-17 13:59:38 -05:00
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2015-10-08 16:00:11 -04:00
< h3 > TwitRSS.me is free. Thanks Bytemark!< / h3 >
< p > In September 2015, Bytemark generously offered to host TwitRSS.me for free on their < a href = "http://www.bigv.io/?utm_source=twitrssme" > Big V< / a > platform. That means that I have been able to drop the cache time, so that feeds update more often and provide a generally more reliable service. < / p >
< h3 > Traffic stats< / h3 >
< p >
<!-- #include virtual="/include/varnishstat" -->
< / p >
2014-01-17 13:59:38 -05:00
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2015-10-08 16:00:11 -04:00
< a href = "http://www.bigv.io/?utm_source=twitrssme" >
< div style = "background-image:url(/img/bigv.svg);height:200px;width:320px;margin-top:2.2em" > < / div >
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2014-01-17 13:59:38 -05:00
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< p >
2015-01-28 13:21:41 -05:00
Way back in the mists of time twitter used to have RSS feeds. It was great and people used them. I even made a
< a href = "http://charlieharvey.org.uk/page/twitter_rss" > twitter RSS getter< / a > form for my website so you could locate your feed.
But in June 2013 they killed the RSS feeds. Fuckers.
< / p >
< p >
So, I < a href = "http://perlmonks.org/?node_id=1039382" > wrote a script< / a > that would fetch a twitter search as an RSS feed, which
was a thing I needed to do. Rather than use the api, I just screen scraped the open web for the data.
2014-01-17 13:59:38 -05:00
< / p >
< p >
2015-01-28 13:21:41 -05:00
I realized that the same idea would work for user timelines and so I built a script and modded my twitter
rss getter to use that instead. It proved popular (and killed my server a few times). So I put it on its own
2015-10-08 16:00:11 -04:00
domain name and wrote a frontend. This dear reader is that. And if you are still reading, maybe you should stop.
2014-01-17 13:59:38 -05:00
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2017-01-26 12:49:54 -05:00
Website content © < a href = "http://charlieharvey.org.uk" > Charlie Harvey< / a > 2014-2017. Use it under BY-NC-SA if you want. < a href = "https://github.com/ciderpunx/twitrssme" > TwitRSS.me code< / a > on GitHub (GPLv2 licence).
2014-01-17 13:59:38 -05:00
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< p class = "pull-right" > Template by < a href = "http://coverstrap.com" > Coverstrap< / a > . Mistakes are all my own.
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2015-01-28 13:21:41 -05:00
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2015-06-29 12:06:36 -04:00
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2015-01-28 13:21:41 -05:00
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2015-06-29 12:06:36 -04:00
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2014-01-17 13:59:38 -05:00
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