pelican-alias ==================== `Pelican `_ plugin for creating alias pages (useful for moving from a different URL scheme such as *////* as used by Wordpress). Inspired by `jekyll_alias_generator <>`_. License: MIT Installation ============ Simply run:: pip install pelican-alias Usage ===== * Add *pelican_alias* to *PLUGINS* in the pelican configuration file * In each post or page that needs an alias, add an *:alias:* line to the metadata section. Example:: My Aliased Post ############################################## :date: 2013-05-31 22:09 :category: Pelican :slug: my-aliased-post :alias: /2013/05/my-aliased-post/ My content goes here. This will create an additional HTML document at the path specified by *:alias:* that performs a canonical *meta* refresh to the new URL. If the path ends in a slash (as in the above example) then the file actually created will be index.html so that this system will work with Github pages. Multiple aliases can be created for a single post by using a comma-delimited list. The delimiter may be changed by setting *ALIAS_DELIMITER* in the pelican configuration file.