Currently just copied over the existing code and applied the quick fixes to get it to compile. Each move should be refactored to be handle its parameters earlier where applicable. But variants support should probably be added first so both refactors can happen together.
154 lines
5.5 KiB
154 lines
5.5 KiB
import { DanceRole } from "../danceCommon.js";
import { HandTo, HandConnection, PositionKind } from "../interpreterCommon.js";
import { Move } from "../libfigureMapper.js";
import { SemanticAnimationKind } from "../lowLevelMove.js";
import { Hand } from "../rendererConstants.js";
import { ISingleVariantMoveInterpreter, LowLevelMovesForAllDancers, MoveInterpreter, SemanticPositionsForAllDancers, SingleVariantMoveInterpreter, moveInterpreters } from "./_moveInterpreter.js";
const moveName: Move["move"] = "chain";
class ChainSingleVariant extends SingleVariantMoveInterpreter<Chain, typeof moveName> {
moveAsLowLevelMoves(): LowLevelMovesForAllDancers {
const mainRole = this.move.parameters.who === "gentlespoons" ? DanceRole.Lark : DanceRole.Robin;
const pullToTurnBeats = 2;
const pullBeats = / 2 - pullToTurnBeats;
const turnBeats = - pullBeats - pullToTurnBeats;
const chainHand: Hand = this.move.parameters.hand ? Hand.Right : Hand.Left;
const cwCourtesyTurn = chainHand === Hand.Left;
return this.handleCircleMove(({ id, startPos }) => {
if (id.danceRole === mainRole) {
const endWhich = startPos.which.swapDiagonal();
let endSet = startPos.setOffset ?? 0;
let to: HandTo;
switch (this.move.parameters.dir) {
case "along":
throw "Don't know what chaining along the set means.";
case "across":
to = HandTo.DiagonalAcrossCircle;
case "right diagonal":
to = HandTo.RightDiagonalAcrossCircle;
endSet += startPos.which.isLeft() ? -1 : +1;
case "left diagonal":
to = HandTo.LeftDiagonalAcrossCircle;
endSet += startPos.which.isLeft() ? +1 : -1;
const startPosition = {
hands: new Map<Hand, HandConnection>([[chainHand, { hand: chainHand, to }]]),
facing: startPos.which.facingAcross(),
const turnTo = chainHand === Hand.Right ? HandTo.DancerRight : HandTo.DancerLeft;
return this.combine([
beats: pullBeats,
endPosition: {
which: endWhich,
facing: endWhich.facingUpOrDown(),
setOffset: endSet,
hands: new Map<Hand, HandConnection>([
[Hand.Left, { hand: Hand.Left, to: turnTo }],
[Hand.Right, { hand: Hand.Right, to: turnTo }],
movementPattern: {
kind: SemanticAnimationKind.PassBy,
around: "Center",
side: chainHand,
withHands: true,
facing: "Forward",
otherPath: "Swap",
beats: pullToTurnBeats,
endPosition: {
kind: PositionKind.Circle,
which: endWhich.swapUpAndDown(),
facing: endWhich.facingOut(),
setOffset: endSet,
movementPattern: {
kind: SemanticAnimationKind.PassBy,
side: chainHand.opposite(),
withHands: true,
around: endWhich.leftRightSide(),
facing: "Forward", // TODO Is this right?
otherPath: "Swap",
prevEnd => ({
beats: turnBeats,
endPosition: {
kind: PositionKind.Circle,
which: endWhich,
facing: endWhich.facingAcross(),
hands: prevEnd.hands,
setOffset: prevEnd.setOffset,
lineOffset: prevEnd.lineOffset,
movementPattern: {
kind: SemanticAnimationKind.CourtesyTurn,
clockwise: cwCourtesyTurn,
], startPosition);
} else {
const startingPos = { ...startPos, hands: undefined };
return this.combine([
beats: pullBeats,
endPosition: { ...startingPos, facing: startingPos.which.facingUpOrDown() },
movementPattern: {
kind: SemanticAnimationKind.Linear,
beats: pullToTurnBeats,
endPosition: {
which: startingPos.which.swapUpAndDown(),
facing: startingPos.which.facingOut()
movementPattern: {
kind: SemanticAnimationKind.PassBy,
side: chainHand.opposite(),
withHands: true,
around: startingPos.which.leftRightSide(),
facing: "Forward", // TODO Is this right?
otherPath: "Swap",
beats: turnBeats,
endPosition: {
// TODO Does CourtesyTurn always end in same position?
which: startPos.which,
facing: startPos.which.facingAcross(),
movementPattern: {
kind: SemanticAnimationKind.CourtesyTurn,
clockwise: cwCourtesyTurn,
], startingPos);
class Chain extends MoveInterpreter<typeof moveName> {
buildSingleVariantMoveInterpreter(startingPos: SemanticPositionsForAllDancers): ISingleVariantMoveInterpreter {
return new ChainSingleVariant(this, startingPos);
moveInterpreters.set(moveName, Chain); |