@ -260,10 +260,16 @@ function moveAsLowLevelMoves({ move, nextMove, startingPos, numProgessions }: {
withPos: SemanticPosition & { setOffset: number, lineOffset: number },
withId: common.ExtendedDancerIdentity,
around: CircleSideOrCenter,
}) => LowLevelMove[]), meanwhileFunc?: ((arg: {
id: DancerIdentity,
startPos: SemanticPosition,
}) => LowLevelMove[])): Map<DancerIdentity, LowLevelMove[]> {
return handleMove(({ id, startPos }) => {
const withId = findPairOpposite(who, id);
if (!withId) {
if (meanwhileFunc) {
return meanwhileFunc({ id, startPos });
} else {
return combine([{
beats: move.beats,
startPosition: { ...startPos, hands: undefined },
@ -271,6 +277,7 @@ function moveAsLowLevelMoves({ move, nextMove, startingPos, numProgessions }: {
movementPattern: { kind: SemanticAnimationKind.StandStill },
const withPos = getPosFor(withId);
const setDifference = withPos.setOffset - (startPos.setOffset ?? 0);
let startPosAdjusted = startPos;
@ -450,20 +457,27 @@ function moveAsLowLevelMoves({ move, nextMove, startingPos, numProgessions }: {
case "mad robin":
return handleCircleMove(({ startPos }) => {
// TODO Read who of mad robin to decide direction?
const startAndEndPos = {
facing: startPos.which.isLeft() ? Facing.Right : Facing.Left,
hands: undefined,
if (move.parameters.circling !== 360) {
throw new Error("mad robin circling not exactly once is unsupported.");
return handleCircleMove(({ id, startPos }) => {
// Read who of mad robin to decide direction.
const madRobinClockwise: boolean = (findPairOpposite(move.parameters.who, id) !== null) === startPos.which.isOnLeftLookingAcross();
const startAndEndPos: SemanticPosition = {
kind: PositionKind.Circle,
which: startPos.which,
facing: startPos.which.facingAcross(),
return combine([{
beats: move.beats,
startPosition: startAndEndPos,
endPosition: startAndEndPos,
movementPattern: {
kind: SemanticAnimationKind.DoSiDo,
amount: move.parameters.circling,
amount: madRobinClockwise ? move.parameters.circling : -move.parameters.circling,
around: startPos.which.leftRightSide(),
@ -641,6 +655,7 @@ function moveAsLowLevelMoves({ move, nextMove, startingPos, numProgessions }: {
minAmount: 360,
byHand: undefined,
close: true,
@ -684,14 +699,17 @@ function moveAsLowLevelMoves({ move, nextMove, startingPos, numProgessions }: {
case "allemande":
case "allemande orbit":
case "gyre":
const allemandeCircling = move.move === "allemande orbit" ? move.parameters.circling1 : move.parameters.circling;
const byHandOrShoulder = (move.move === "gyre" ? move.parameters.shoulder : move.parameters.hand) ? Hand.Right : Hand.Left;
return handlePairedMove(move.parameters.who, ({ startPos, around, withId }) => {
// TODO Not sure if this is right.
const byHandOrShoulder = (move.move === "allemande" ? move.parameters.hand : move.parameters.shoulder) ? Hand.Right : Hand.Left;
const swap = move.parameters.circling % 360 === 180;
if (!swap && move.parameters.circling % 360 !== 0) {
const swap = allemandeCircling % 360 === 180;
if (!swap && allemandeCircling % 360 !== 0) {
// TODO Support allemande that's not a swap or no-op.
throw "Unsupported allemande circle amount: " + move.parameters.circling;
throw "Unsupported allemande circle amount: " + allemandeCircling;
let endPosition: SemanticPosition = startPos;
if (swap) {
@ -706,12 +724,62 @@ function moveAsLowLevelMoves({ move, nextMove, startingPos, numProgessions }: {
movementPattern: {
kind: SemanticAnimationKind.RotateAround,
minAmount: byHandOrShoulder === Hand.Right ? move.parameters.circling : -move.parameters.circling,
minAmount: byHandOrShoulder === Hand.Right ? allemandeCircling : -allemandeCircling,
byHand: move.move === "allemande" ? byHandOrShoulder : undefined,
byHand: move.move === "allemande" || move.move === "allemande orbit" ? byHandOrShoulder : undefined,
close: true,
], startPos);
}, move.move !== "allemande orbit" ? undefined : ({ id, startPos}) => {
const orbitAmount = move.parameters.circling2;
const swap = orbitAmount % 360 === 180;
if (!swap && orbitAmount % 360 !== 0) {
// TODO Support allemande that's not a swap or no-op.
throw "Unsupported allemande orbit amount: " + orbitAmount;
const startingPos: SemanticPosition = {
hands: undefined,
balance: undefined,
dancerDistance: undefined,
let endPosition: SemanticPosition;
if (swap) {
if (startingPos.kind === PositionKind.Circle) {
endPosition =
which: startingPos.which.swapDiagonal(),
facing: startingPos.which.isLeft() ? Facing.Left : Facing.Right,
} else {
endPosition =
which: startingPos.which.swapSides(),
facing: startingPos.which.isLeft() ? Facing.Left : Facing.Right,
} else {
endPosition = startingPos;
return combine([
beats: move.beats,
movementPattern: {
kind: SemanticAnimationKind.RotateAround,
// Orbit is opposite direction of allemande.
minAmount: byHandOrShoulder === Hand.Right ? -orbitAmount : +orbitAmount,
around: "Center",
byHand: undefined,
close: false,
], startingPos);
case "revolving door":
@ -738,6 +806,7 @@ function moveAsLowLevelMoves({ move, nextMove, startingPos, numProgessions }: {
minAmount: byHand === Hand.Right ? 180 : -180,
around: "Center",
close: false,
prevEnd => ({
@ -756,6 +825,7 @@ function moveAsLowLevelMoves({ move, nextMove, startingPos, numProgessions }: {
minAmount: byHand === Hand.Right ? 180 : -180,
around: "Center",
close: true,
], startPos);
@ -1385,12 +1455,31 @@ function moveAsLowLevelMoves({ move, nextMove, startingPos, numProgessions }: {
case "pass through":
if (move.parameters.dir !== "along") {
throw new Error("Unsupport pass through direction: " + move.parameters.dir);
throw new Error("Unsupported pass through direction: " + move.parameters.dir);
const passShoulder = move.parameters.shoulder ? Hand.Right : Hand.Left;
return handleMove(({ startPos }) => {
if (startPos.kind !== PositionKind.ShortLines) {
throw new Error("pass through from circle is unsupported");
if (startPos.kind === PositionKind.Circle) {
const facing = startPos.which.facingUpOrDown();
const endPos: SemanticPosition = {
kind: PositionKind.Circle,
which: startPos.which,
setOffset: (startPos.setOffset ?? 0) + (facing === Facing.Up ? -0.5 : +0.5),
lineOffset: startPos.lineOffset,
return combine([{
beats: move.beats,
endPosition: endPos,
movementPattern: {
kind: SemanticAnimationKind.PassBy,
around: startPos.which.leftRightSide(),
side: passShoulder,
withHands: false,
}], startPos);
} else {
// TODO This assumes short *wavy* lines.
const endPos: SemanticPosition = {
@ -1405,6 +1494,7 @@ function moveAsLowLevelMoves({ move, nextMove, startingPos, numProgessions }: {
endPosition: endPos,
movementPattern: { kind: SemanticAnimationKind.Linear },
}], startPos);
case "hey":