{% extends "in_game.html" %} {% block game_content %}

Voting Phase

Please vote on the following team:

Waiting for {% if missing_votes_count == 1 %}1 person{% else %}{{ missing_votes_count }} people{% endif %} to vote.

{% if not is_observer %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% if swap_buttons %} {% block reject-button %}{% endblock %} {% block accept-button %}{% endblock %} {% else %} {% block accept-button-2 %}{% endblock %} {% block reject-button-2 %}{% endblock %} {% endif %}
{% if player == leader %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if player_vote %}

You are voting: {{ player_vote }}

{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block game_handle_new_status %} if(oldStatus.game_phase == newStatus.game_phase && oldStatus.round_num == newStatus.round_num && oldStatus.vote_num == newStatus.vote_num && oldStatus.player_vote == newStatus.player_vote) { $("#missing-votes").text(newStatus.missing_votes_count == 1 ? "1 person" : (newStatus.missing_votes_count + " people")); return true; } else { return false; } {% endblock %}