{% extends "game.html" %} {% block game_header %}
There are {{ num_players }} players: {{ num_spies }} spies {% if spy_roles %} (including special roles {% for role in spy_roles %} {% if forloop.last and not forloop.first %}and{% endif %} {{ role }} {% endfor %}) {% endif %} and {{ num_resistance }} resistance {% if resistance_roles %} (including special roles {% for role in resistance_roles %} {% if forloop.last and not forloop.first %}and{% endif %} {{ role }} {% endfor %}) {% endif %}

{% if not is_observer %}

Team: {{ player.team|title }} | Role: {{ player.role_string }}

{% if player.is_spy and not player.is_oberon %}

Other spies: {% for spy in visible_spies %} {% if spy != player %} {{ spy.name }} {% endif %} {% endfor %}

{% endif %} {% if player.is_merlin %}

The spies {% if game_has_mordred %}(except Mordred){% endif %} are: {% for spy in visible_spies %} {{ spy.name }} {% endfor %}

{% endif %} {% if player.is_percival %}

Merlin is {{ possible_merlins }}.

{% endif %} {% if player.is_assassin %}

Try to see if you can spot who the Merlin is. You'll have a chance to identify him at the end of the game to win it.

{% endif %} {% if player.is_morgana %}

Percival sees you as Merlin.

{% endif %} {% if player.is_mordred %}

Merlin does not know you are a spy.

{% endif %}

Tap to view role info

{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block history %} {{ debug }} {% if not display_history and not game_over %} {% for p in players %} {% endfor %}
Leader order
{{ p.name }}
{% else %} {% for p in players %} {% endfor %} {% if game_over %} {% for p in players %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% for game_round in game_rounds %} {% for vote_round in game_round.voteround_set.all|dictsort:'vote_num' %} {% if vote_round.is_voting_complete %} {% for pv in vote_round.playervote_set.all|dictsort:'player.order' %} {% endfor %} {% else %} {% for p in players %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if game_round.mission_passed != None %} {% elif game_over %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if player_assassinated %} {% for p in players %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}

{{ p.name }}

{{ p.role_string }}

{{ vote_round.vote_totals.accepts }} {{ vote_round.vote_totals.rejects }}
Mission {{ game_round.round_num }} {{ game_round.result_string }}ed with {{ game_round.num_fails }} failures
Mission {{ game_round.round_num }} failed as the resistance was unable to choose a team 5 times in a row
{% endif %} {% endblock %}