# avalon-django `avalon-django` is a web-app implementation of the tabletop hidden-roles game [The Resistance: Avalon](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/128882/resistance-avalon) powered by the Python web framework [Django](https://www.djangoproject.com/). The impetus for implementing the game electronically was to speed up gameplay by having the computer do the bookkeeping and (optionally) having the computer display a history of public actions to reduce discussion about what had happened so far in the game. ## How to play Each player must have their own device (usually a smartphone, but any device with a web browser will work) and go to the URL where the game is hosted. (Feel free to [play on my server](https://aweirdimagination.net/apps/avalon-django).) When creating a game, a 6 letter game code will be generated to identify the game for other players to join. Optionally, a shared device (e.g. a TV or large tablet) may be setup as an "observer" to display the public data on a common display (to make the game more social by avoiding everyone constantly looking at their own phone). Once everyone has joined, follow the on-screen instructions to play; the interface is made assuming everyone already knows the basic game rules. ## Installation TODO: Write more detail. See the `deploy/awi` branch to see the configuration files used to deploy this on https://avalon.aweirdimagination.net/