import { dancers, dancerMenuForChooser, chooser } from "./chooser.js" import { moves, parameters } from "./define-figure.js" import { formalParamIsDancers } from "./param.js" import { peek } from "./words.js" export const PUNCTUATION_CHARSET_STRING = "[\u2000-\u206F\u2E00-\u2E7F'!\"#$%&()*+,/:;<=>?@\\[\\]^_`{|}~\\.-]" function set_if_unset(dict, key, value) { if (!(key in dict)) dict[key] = value } // throw is a keyword and can't be in expressions, but function calls can be, so wrap throw. export const throw_up = str => { throw new Error(str) } // a little weird that this takes a Words now, not a string export function indefiniteArticleFor(w) { var str = peek(w) return /[aeiou]/.test(str) ? "an" : "a" } // text_in_dialect: property can still be missing... export const defaultDialect = { moves: {}, dancers: {} } export const testDialect = { moves: { gyre: "darcy", allemande: "almond", "see saw": "do si do left shoulder", "form an ocean wave": "form a short wavy line", "Rory O'More": "sliding doors", }, dancers: { ladle: "raven", ladles: "ravens", gentlespoon: "lark", gentlespoons: "larks", "first ladle": "first raven", "second ladle": "second raven", "first gentlespoon": "first lark", "second gentlespoon": "second lark", }, } // ________________________________________________________________ function dialectIsOneToOne(dialect) { return isEmpty(dialectOverloadedSubstitutions(dialect)) } function dialectOverloadedSubstitutions(dialect) { var substitutions = {} var remember_as_itself = function(x) { substitutions[x] = (substitutions[x] || []).concat([x]) } moves().forEach(remember_as_itself) dancers().forEach(remember_as_itself) ;[dialect.moves, dialect.dancers].forEach(function(hash) { Object.keys(hash).forEach(function(term) { var substitution = hash[term] if (!substitutions[substitution]) { substitutions[substitution] = [] } if (-1 === substitutions[substitution].indexOf(term)) { substitutions[substitution].push(term) } }) }) // delete substitutions that are 1-to-1 for (var substitution in substitutions) { if (substitutions.hasOwnProperty(substitution)) { if (substitutions[substitution].length === 1) delete substitutions[substitution] } } return substitutions } // ________________________________________________________________ export const longestFirstSortFn = function(a, b) { return b.length - a.length } // ________________________________________________________________ function dialectForFigures(dialect, figures) { var new_dialect = copyDialect(dialect) if (figuresUseDancers(figures, "3rd neighbors")) { new_dialect.dancers["neighbors"] = "1st neighbors" new_dialect.dancers["next neighbors"] = "2nd neighbors" } if (figuresUseDancers(figures, "2nd shadows")) { new_dialect.dancers["shadows"] = "1st shadows" } return new_dialect } function copyDialect(dialect) { return { dancers: libfigureObjectCopy(dialect.dancers), moves: libfigureObjectCopy(dialect.moves), text_in_dialect: !!dialect.text_in_dialect, } } export function textInDialect(dialect) { // see also ruby-side implementation return !!dialect.text_in_dialect } // I just called this function 'copy', but then I got scared and changed it. export const libfigureObjectCopy = hash => { var o = {} Object.keys(hash).forEach(function(key) { o[key] = hash[key] }) return o } export function libfigureUniq(array) { // suboptimal O(n^2) var output = [] for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (-1 === output.indexOf(array[i])) { output.push(array[i]) } } return output } // // every element is === // function array_equal(a1, a2) { // var l = a1.length; // if (l !== a2.length) { // return false; // } // for (var i=0; i= 0 } // see also the similar ruby-side function slugify_move function slugifyTerm(term) { return term .toLowerCase() .replace(/&/g, "and") .replace(/ /g, "-") .replace(/[^a-z0-9-]/g, "") } // ________________________________________________________________ const regExpEscape_regexp = /[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g export const regExpEscape = function(s) { return s.replace(regExpEscape_regexp, "\\$&") } // source function isEmpty(hash) { // can't use: hash.length === 0 for (var x in hash) { return false } return true }