import libfigure from "./libfigure/libfigure.js"; export interface LibFigureMove { move: string, parameter_values: any[], progression?: 1, note?: string, } export type LibFigureDance = LibFigureMove[]; type chooser_text = string; type chooser_revolutions = number; type chooser_places = number; type chooser_boolean = true | false; type chooser_spin = true | false; type chooser_left_right_spin = true | false; type chooser_right_left_hand = false | true; type chooser_right_left_shoulder = false | true; type chooser_slide = true | false; type chooser_slice_increment = "couple" | "dancer"; type chooser_go_back = true | false; type chooser_give = true | false; type chooser_half_or_full = 0.5 | 1; type chooser_star_grip = "" | "wrist grip" | "hands across"; type chooser_march_facing = "forward" | "backward" | "forward then backward"; type chooser_set_direction = "along" | "across" | "right diagonal" | "left diagonal"; type chooser_set_direction_acrossish = "across" | "right diagonal" | "left diagonal"; type chooser_set_direction_grid = "along" | "across"; type chooser_set_direction_figure_8 = "" | "above" | "below" | "across"; type chooser_gate_direction = "up" | "down" | "in" | "out"; type chooser_slice_return = "straight" | "diagonal" | "none"; type chooser_all_or_center_or_outsides = "all" | "center" | "outsides"; type chooser_down_the_hall_ender = "turn-alone" | "turn-couple" | "circle" | "cozy" | "cloverleaf" | "thread-needle" | "right-high" | "sliding-doors" | ""; type chooser_zig_zag_ender = "" | "ring" | "allemande"; type chooser_hey_length = "full" | "half" | "less than half" | "between half and full"; type chooser_swing_prefix = "none" | "balance" | "meltdown"; type chooser_dancers = "everyone" | "gentlespoon" | "gentlespoons" | "ladle" | "ladles" | "partners" | "neighbors" | "ones" | "twos" | "same roles" | "first corners" | "second corners" | "first gentlespoon" | "first ladle" | "second gentlespoon" | "second ladle" | "shadows"; type chooser_pair = "gentlespoons" | "ladles" | "ones" | "twos" | "first corners" | "second corners"; type chooser_pair_or_everyone = "everyone" | "gentlespoons" | "ladles" | "ones" | "twos" | "first corners" | "second corners"; type chooser_pairc_or_everyone = "everyone" | "gentlespoons" | "ladles" | "centers" | "ones" | "twos"; export type chooser_pairz = "gentlespoons" | "ladles" | "partners" | "neighbors" | "next neighbors" | "ones" | "twos" | "same roles" | "first corners" | "second corners" | "shadows"; type chooser_pairz_or_unspecified = "" | "gentlespoons" | "ladles" | "partners" | "neighbors" | "ones" | "twos" | "same roles" | "first corners" | "second corners" | "shadows"; type chooser_pairs = "partners" | "neighbors" | "same roles" | "shadows"; type chooser_pairs_or_ones_or_twos = "partners" | "neighbors" | "same roles" | "ones" | "twos" | "shadows"; type chooser_pairs_or_everyone = "everyone" | "partners" | "neighbors" | "same roles" | "shadows"; type chooser_dancer = "first gentlespoon" | "first ladle" | "second gentlespoon" | "second ladle"; type chooser_role = "gentlespoons" | "ladles"; type chooser_hetero = "partners" | "neighbors" | "shadows"; export type Move = { beats: number, note?: string, progression: boolean, } & ({ move: "allemande", parameters: { who: chooser_pairz, hand: chooser_right_left_hand, circling: chooser_revolutions, }, } | { move: "allemande orbit", parameters: { who: chooser_pair, hand: chooser_right_left_hand, circling1: chooser_revolutions, // for allemande circling2: chooser_revolutions, // for orbit }, } | { move: "arch & dive", parameters: { who: chooser_pair, }, } | { move: "balance", parameters: { who: chooser_pairs_or_everyone, }, } | { move: "balance the ring", parameters: { }, } | { move: "box circulate", parameters: { who: chooser_pair, bal: chooser_boolean, hand: chooser_right_left_hand, }, } | { move: "box the gnat", parameters: { who: chooser_pairz, bal: chooser_boolean, hand: chooser_right_left_hand, }, } | { move: "swat the flea", parameters: { who: chooser_pairz, bal: chooser_boolean, hand: chooser_right_left_hand, }, } | { move: "butterfly whirl", parameters: { }, } | { move: "California twirl", parameters: { who: chooser_pairz, }, } | { move: "chain", parameters: { who: chooser_role, hand: chooser_right_left_hand, dir: chooser_set_direction, }, } | { move: "circle", parameters: { turn: chooser_left_right_spin, places: chooser_places, }, } | { move: "contra corners", parameters: { who: chooser_pair, custom: chooser_text, }, } | { move: "cross trails", parameters: { who: chooser_pairs, dir: chooser_set_direction_grid, shoulder: chooser_right_left_shoulder, who2: chooser_pairs, }, } | { move: "custom", parameters: { custom: chooser_text, }, } | { move: "do si do", parameters: { who: chooser_pairz, shoulder: chooser_right_left_shoulder, circling: chooser_revolutions, }, } | { move: "see saw", parameters: { who: chooser_pairz, shoulder: chooser_right_left_shoulder, circling: chooser_revolutions, }, } | { move: "dolphin hey", parameters: { who: chooser_pair, whom: chooser_dancer, shoulder: chooser_right_left_shoulder, }, } | { move: "down the hall", parameters: { who: chooser_pair_or_everyone, moving: chooser_all_or_center_or_outsides, facing: chooser_march_facing, ender: chooser_down_the_hall_ender, }, } | { move: "up the hall", parameters: { who: chooser_pair_or_everyone, moving: chooser_all_or_center_or_outsides, facing: chooser_march_facing, ender: chooser_down_the_hall_ender, }, } | { move: "figure 8", parameters: { who: chooser_pair, dir: chooser_set_direction_figure_8, lead: chooser_dancer, half: chooser_half_or_full, }, } | { move: "form long waves", parameters: { who: chooser_pair, }, } | { move: "form a long wave", parameters: { who: chooser_pair, in: chooser_boolean, out: chooser_boolean, bal: chooser_boolean, }, } | { move: "form an ocean wave", parameters: { "pass thru": chooser_boolean, dir: chooser_set_direction_acrossish, bal: chooser_boolean, center: chooser_pair, "c.hand": chooser_right_left_hand, sides: chooser_pairs, }, } | { move: "gate", parameters: { who: chooser_pair, whom: chooser_pairs_or_ones_or_twos, face: chooser_gate_direction, }, } | { move: "give & take", parameters: { who: chooser_role, whom: chooser_hetero, give: chooser_give, }, } | { move: "facing star", parameters: { who: chooser_pair, turn: chooser_spin, places: chooser_places, }, } | { move: "gyre", parameters: { who: chooser_pairz, shoulder: chooser_right_left_shoulder, circling: chooser_revolutions, }, } | { move: "hey", parameters: { who: chooser_pairz, who2: chooser_pairz_or_unspecified, shoulder: chooser_right_left_shoulder, until: chooser_hey_length, dir: chooser_set_direction, rico1: chooser_boolean, rico2: chooser_boolean, rico3: chooser_boolean, rico4: chooser_boolean, }, } | { move: "long lines", parameters: { go: chooser_go_back, }, } | { move: "mad robin", parameters: { who: chooser_pair, circling: chooser_revolutions, }, } | { move: "pass by", parameters: { who: chooser_pairz, shoulder: chooser_right_left_shoulder, }, } | { move: "pass through", parameters: { dir: chooser_set_direction, shoulder: chooser_right_left_shoulder, }, } | { move: "petronella", parameters: { bal: chooser_boolean, }, } | { move: "poussette", parameters: { half: chooser_half_or_full, who: chooser_pair, whom: chooser_pairs_or_ones_or_twos, turn: chooser_spin, }, } | { move: "promenade", parameters: { who: chooser_pairs, dir: chooser_set_direction, turn: chooser_left_right_spin, }, } | { move: "pull by dancers", parameters: { who: chooser_pairz, bal: chooser_boolean, hand: chooser_right_left_hand, }, } | { move: "pull by direction", parameters: { bal: chooser_boolean, dir: chooser_set_direction, hand: chooser_right_left_hand, }, } | { move: "revolving door", parameters: { who: chooser_pair, hand: chooser_right_left_hand, whom: chooser_pairs, }, } | { move: "right left through", parameters: { dir: chooser_set_direction, }, } | { move: "roll away", parameters: { who: chooser_pair, whom: chooser_pairs_or_ones_or_twos, "½sash": chooser_boolean, }, } | { move: "Rory O'More", parameters: { who: chooser_pairc_or_everyone, bal: chooser_boolean, slide: chooser_slide, }, } | { move: "slice", parameters: { slide: chooser_slide, "slice increment": chooser_slice_increment, "slice return": chooser_slice_return, }, } | { move: "slide along set", parameters: { slide: chooser_slide, }, } | { move: "square through", parameters: { who: chooser_pairs, who2: chooser_pairs, bal: chooser_boolean, hand: chooser_right_left_hand, places: chooser_places, }, } | { move: "stand still", parameters: { }, } | { move: "star", parameters: { hand: chooser_right_left_hand, places: chooser_places, grip: chooser_star_grip, }, } | { move: "star promenade", parameters: { who: chooser_pair, hand: chooser_right_left_hand, circling: chooser_revolutions, }, } | { move: "swing", parameters: { who: chooser_pairz, prefix: chooser_swing_prefix, }, } | { move: "meltdown swing", parameters: { who: chooser_pairz, prefix: chooser_swing_prefix, }, } | { move: "turn alone", parameters: { who: chooser_pair_or_everyone, custom: chooser_text, }, } | { move: "zig zag", parameters: { who: chooser_pairs, turn: chooser_left_right_spin, ender: chooser_zig_zag_ender, }, }); export function nameLibFigureParameters(move: LibFigureMove): Move { const libfigureParameters: { name: string }[] = libfigure.formalParameters(move.move); const parameterNames: string[] = => // Some moves have repeat parameter names, rename them to name1, name2, etc. .map((v, i, a) => a.indexOf(v) === i && a.lastIndexOf(v) === i ? v : v + (a.slice(0, i).filter(el => el === v).length + 1)); const parameters = {}; for (let i = 0; i < parameterNames.length; i++) { parameters[parameterNames[i]] = move.parameter_values[i]; } const beats: number = parameters["beats"]; parameters["beats"] = undefined; return { move: move.move, beats, progression: move.progression === 1, note: move.note, parameters, } as Move; } // Helper for building the types above. export function asTypeDefinitions(): string { type Dialect = any; const choosers: { [key: string]: (string | [any, string])[] } = { chooser_boolean: [["*", "*"], [true, "yes"], [false, "no"]], chooser_spin: [["*", "*"], [true, "clockwise"], [false, "ccw"]], chooser_left_right_spin: [["*", "*"], [true, "left"], [false, "right"]], chooser_right_left_hand: [["*", "*"], [false, "left"], [true, "right"]], chooser_right_left_shoulder: [["*", "*"], [false, "left"], [true, "right"]], chooser_slide: [["*", "*"], [true, "left"], [false, "right"]], chooser_slice_increment: [ ["*", "*"], ["couple", "couple"], ["dancer", "dancer"], ], chooser_go_back: [["*", "*"], [true, "forward & back"], [false, "forward"]], chooser_give: [["*", "*"], [true, "give & take"], [false, "take"]], chooser_half_or_full: [["*", "*"], [0.5, "half"], [1.0, "full"]], chooser_beats: [ "*", 8, 16, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 32, 48, 64, ], chooser_star_grip: ["*"].concat( (grip: any) { return grip === "" ? ["", "unspecified"] : grip }) ), chooser_march_facing: [ "*", "forward", "backward", "forward then backward", ], chooser_set_direction: [ "*", ["along", "along the set"], ["across", "across the set"], "right diagonal", "left diagonal", ], chooser_set_direction_acrossish: [ "*", ["across", "across the set"], "right diagonal", "left diagonal", ], chooser_set_direction_grid: [ "*", ["along", "along the set"], ["across", "across the set"], ], chooser_set_direction_figure_8: [ "*", "", "above", "below", "across", ], chooser_gate_direction: [ "*", ["up", "up the set"], ["down", "down the set"], ["in", "into the set"], ["out", "out of the set"], ], chooser_slice_return: [ "*", ["straight", "straight back"], ["diagonal", "diagonal back"], "none", ], chooser_all_or_center_or_outsides: [ "*", "all", "center", "outsides", ], chooser_down_the_hall_ender: [ "*", ["turn-alone", "turn alone"], ["turn-couple", "turn as a couple"], ["circle", "bend into a ring"], ["cozy", "form a cozy line"], ["cloverleaf", "bend into a cloverleaf"], ["thread-needle", "thread the needle"], ["right-high", "right hand high, left hand low"], ["sliding-doors", "sliding doors"], ["", "unspecified"], ], chooser_zig_zag_ender: [ "*", ["", "none"], ["ring", "into a ring"], ["allemande", "training two catch hands"], ], chooser_hey_length: [ "*", "full", "half", "less than half", "between half and full", ], chooser_swing_prefix: [ "*", "none", "balance", "meltdown", ], ...libfigure.dancerChooserNames().reduce( (acc: any, chooserName: string) => { acc[chooserName] = ["*"].concat( libfigure.dancerCategoryMenuForChooser( libfigure.chooser(chooserName) ).map((dancers: string) => [ dancers, libfigure.dancerMenuLabel(dancers, libfigure.defaultDialect), ]) ) return acc }, {} ), } const chooserDefs = Object.keys(choosers).map(name => { let c = choosers[name]; if (c instanceof Function) c = c(name); function onlyUnique(value, index, array) { return array.indexOf(value) === index; } c = => (el instanceof String || typeof el === 'string') ? el : el[0]).filter(el => el != "*").filter(onlyUnique); return "type " + name + " = " + => JSON.stringify(el)).join(" | ") + ";" }).join("\n"); const moveDefs = libfigure.moves().map(m => { const params = libfigure.formalParameters(m); return "{\n move: " + JSON.stringify(m) + ",\n parameters: {\n" + => " " + + ": " + + ",").join("\n") + "\n },\n }"; }).join(" | "); return chooserDefs + "\n\n" + moveDefs; }